Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The R.I. Marketing Campaign Phase 1

So, the idea is to get as many people on planet earth as possible to watch Run Invisible. This takes a very strategic marketing campaign. A campaign that I've decided to blog about here..on the Run Invisible blog. For those who are interested in that sort of thing. If you aren't, then, don't worry there will be other stuff I'll be writing about to.

Phase 1.

A) I've sent an email to most of the people on my Internet marketing lists letting them know I'm doing this so that they could watch the campaign in progress. This also, of course, serves a secondary purpose in that hopefully many of them will also be interested in becoming a loyal R.I. viewer. Now, this email has gone out before we even have the Season One Preview online. This is just to create the initial spark of interest.

B) Once we have the Season One Preview online, we'll move into the second part of Phase 1 which I'll tell you more about in my next post!

Stay tuned..

Rick Katz

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